By the end of KS2 children will be able to:
Show knowledge and understanding of a range of scripture passages that corresponds to the scripture source used.
Show knowledge and understanding of:
· a range of religious beliefs
· the life and work of key figures in the history of the People of God
· what it means to belong to a church community
· religious symbols and the steps involved in religious actions and worship
· those actions of believers which arise as a consequence of their beliefs.
Show understanding of, by making links between:
· beliefs and sources
· beliefs and worship
· beliefs and life.
Use religious vocabulary widely, accurately and appropriately.
Compare their own and other people’s responses to questions about each of the areas of study, in relation to questions of meaning and purpose.
Show understanding of how own and other’s decisions are informed by beliefs and moral values.
Use sources to support a point of view.
Express a point of view and give reasons for it.
Arrive at judgements.
Recognise difference, comparing and contrasting different points of view.