
Local CAST Board

Our Strategic Vision

To be recognised as the school of choice for children, parents and staff by:

  • Providing outstanding learning for all children

  • Celebrating the Catholic ethos of the School

  • Providing innovative and diverse learning opportunities

  • Enabling staff to help children reach their full potential 

The Local Governing Board comprises of 6 members and the Headteacher.

The Local Governing Board meets twice per term with the aim of providing both support and challenge to the senior leadership team of the school with regard to the strategic direction of the school.  In turn, we are supported by the central team at Plymouth CAST who provide advice and support for governors as well as additional training and updates on legislation, Ofsted and other education areas.

Governors are appointed/elected for a term of four years and can serve for no more than three terms.

Mr Adam Krasnopolski

Chair of Governors - Foundation Governor

As my surname suggests, I have a Polish background, though I was born and educated in this
country. For over forty years I have been a teacher of English at Torquay Boys’ Grammar School, on
the other side of the site that is shared with Our Lady of the Angels School. Both of my sons
attended the primary school when it was known as Queensway, and both flourished there. My core values are underpinned by my Catholic faith as a member of the parish community at the
Church of the Assumption of Our Lady in Torquay. I see the public service of school governance as a
privilege and an appropriate form of Christian action for the common good. In this spirit, I hope that
I am able to make a useful contribution.

Mrs Angie Baldwin

Foundation Governor

I have had an association with Our Lady of the Angels since 1993 when the first of my 4 children started at the school. I joined the Governing body in 2002 and became Chair in 2016.
As manager of Holy Angels Pre-school for over 27 years, I have watched the partnership between the school and pre-school flourish. It is a delight to see our young children make the seamless transition from pre-school into school.
Our Lady of the Angels has always felt to me like a very large family, the warmth and caring ethos is evident as you walk through the door, the same can be said for the Parish of Holy Angels.
I really enjoy being part of the Governing body, working as a team to support and challenge the headteacher, the staff and ultimately the children. It's challenging but incredibly rewarding.

Mr Marcin Kubiak

Foundation Governor

I have completed and obtained a medical degree in dentistry in 1998 in Poland. My family and I have moved to the U.K. in 2005 and I have been working locally as a dentist for 17 years now. I am a member of a Local Dental Committee and I have been involved in mentoring young dentists in the practice. I am also a member of the parish community at the Church of the Assumption of Our Lady in Torquay for the same amount of time. I hope to be a good Foundation Governor. I am a father of three boys, and two of them are currently pupils at Our Lady of the Angels school.

Mr John-Paul Bove

Foundation Governor

My association with the school goes back many years. I am a former pupil and my son now attends Our Lady of the Angels. I have a background in health and safety.

Mr Andrew Hall

Parent Governor

I was elected a Parent Governor in 2017. I have a background as a research Scientist at the Universities of Nottingham and Cambridge. I have been a Registered Adult Nurse since 2004, working in Critical Care, Coronary Care, Accident and Emergency, Clinical Research and as a Deputy Clinical Nurse Manager on Surgical Admissions. I have been teaching for the last 4 years in both secondary, further and higher education. I have an academic research role investigating, virtual reality and artificial intelligence, in healthcare teaching. I am passionate about each learner working to their full potential.

Mr James Beamish

Community Governor

I joined the Local Governing Board as a Community Governor in January 2022, and this is a role I have wanted to undertake since my daughter started the school in 2017.
I have been in the Royal Navy since 2004 and I am currently serving as a Chief Petty Officer. In my current role I am a Defence Trainer and about to start a Level 5 Diploma in Education & Training. I have served in multiple roles delivering training within the Navy. My last role was focused on coaching and mentoring junior sailors as part of the Fleet Operational Sea Training Headquarters. I am passionate about facilitating opportunities for people to achieve their potential.
I am hoping to utilise my skills and experience in order to support and challenge the headteacher and school staff.
Outside of the Royal Navy I am a qualified fitness, circuits, and Bootcamp instructor for ‘Extreme Bootcamp’ based in Newton Abbot.

Mrs Amelia Harding


Ex-officio member

Governor Information 
If you require paper copies of the minutes of the Local CAST Board please contact the school office. 
Governors Code of Conduct
Links to Plymouth CAST
Plymouth CAST Board of Directors