
Personal, Social & Health Education

Our Philosophy


At Our Lady of the Angel's Primary School, we are passionate about our Personal, Social & Health Curriculum which is not only built on our core Gospel values but also provides connections to our broader curriculum and our eight recurrent big ideas of 'Community', 'Stewardship', 'Resilience', 'Human Rights', 'Significance', 'Change', 'Wonder' and 'Health'.   

The PSHE curriculum is taught in three different ways.  Firstly it is linked to our broader curriculum themes and topics.  So, for example, in a Geography lesson about Mexico we will explore whether people in Mexico should be able to live in the USA if they choose to.  Secondly during termly whole school theme weeks, the pupils will receive assemblies, speak to visitors and complete special activities related to anti-bullying or internet safety for example.  Lastly they will receive weekly sessions from the Life to the Full programme which meets all the government's statutory requirements for Relationship and Sex Education introduced in 2020.   


Curriculum Aims


In line with the national curriculum for PSHE, we aim to ensure that, by the end of Key Stage Two, all pupils:
  • Understand what they need to do to keep their minds and bodies healthy

  • Describe the process of human reproduction and the changes their bodies will go through in puberty

  • Understand what a healthy relationship looks like and what to do if they are worried about a relationship

  • Know about rights and responsibilities (basic human rights; children’s rights; responsibilities within a community)

  • Start to understand about looking after money and how to budget.