Home schooling children with Special Educational Needs
Homeschooling is not easy for any parent, home schooling a child with a special educational need can be even more challenging.
Teachers at OLotA are trying to make the work as accessible as possible but because so much of the differentiation, intervention, support and tools that children with SEN use are part of their direct teaching in school having this translate in our ‘virtual’ classrooms is an added challenge!
I have spoken to many of our parents directly about how to manage their child’s learning and if I haven’t spoken to you directly I am more than happy to - please contact me via email: tcorline@olota.uk and we can communicate either via email or set up a telephone call.
Many of you, I am sure, will have already looked online to get personalised learning support for your child depending on their individual need. But you may find these sites useful for extra resources and information:
Perhaps if you have come across some good sites you could share them with me and I could share them with others.
If your child uses Nessy in school (dyslexia programme) your child’s teacher can provide you with their password (if they haven’t already) so that they can continue to log on at home - please contact them or me directly. Doodle English and Maths of course calibrates to individual children’s ability so these are great to use too.
I am asking teachers to share Individual Learning Plan targets with you for your information should you wish to work on them at home.
I would say that keeping some sort of routine going is probably a good idea - perhaps using a visual timetable (download from the twinkl website). Break learning into short manageable sessions so that they do not become overloaded and you and them do not become stressed.
The main thing is to not feel too much pressure, work to a shedule that works for you and do what you can. We are all finding our way with this new way of working and we are all doing our best in very challenging circumstances. If nothing else, just snuggle up and enjoy a book together!
Kind Regards, stay safe,
Mrs Corline