

- Grey skirt (must have at least one pleat) OR Grey pinafore dress (not stretchy or clingy fabric) are permitted for children in Reception and KS1
- In the summer term a blue gingham dress may be worn. 
- Grey trousers or shorts (stretchy or clingy fabrics nor permitted)
- Grey long sleeved V-neck jumper/cardigan with stripe and school logo (Must  be purchased from Riviera School days). Plain items are not permitted.
- White collared shirt  (Children in Reception class may wear a polo shirt with a logo as an alternative)
- School tie - Must be purchased from Riviera School days)
- Grey tights, Grey or black socks or white ankle or knee length socks
- Sensible low heeled, plain black shoes-no trainers or sandals
- An appropriate coat to keep your child warm and dry as they spend up to an hour outside at lunchtime.
P.E. / Games -required for all children
-Trainers / plimsolls
- White polo shirts (school logo optional but recommended for Inter-school matches and tournaments
- Black Shorts
- Black tracksuit for winter months
Additional information
- Children in the Foundation Stage (Reception) Class should also be provided with a pair of wellies and a raincoat permanently for when we visit the outdoor environment / Forest school.
- We also ask that sunhats or caps are sent in as we encourage children to wear them in sunny weather.
- Please note that the wearing of jewellery is NOT permitted except simple ear studs and watches
- Nail polish and makeup of any kind is NOT allowed
We recognise that school uniform items are expensive however we will not be able to assist in looking for missing items unless they have been clearly labelled with your child's surname and initial.