

Don't forget, Foundation and KS1 pupils get their lunchtime meals free and, if your family receive certain benefits, you may also be entitled to free school meals for your KS2 child.
Whether your child is in KS1 or KS2 please remember to register for free school meals if you think you are entitled. Doing this helps your family and your school.  
For a registration form, and more details, please contact the school office. 
Payments for school meals is via ParentPay. 
All parents need to order (and pay for) their child's lunch by midnight.
There is a device at school for parents to order lunches, if you do not have access to a device at home. 

Please note that it is the parents responsibility to ensure that they log out of the device when their transaction has been completed. The school will not accept any liability for parents using this system on the school premises.

The Summer menu below will run from the 22nd April  until the end of the academic year.
Meals must be paid for and pre-ordered in advance via Parentpay.